Dear Church Family and Friends:
Spring will be here soon, and it appears Covid is waning. So, this is a great time for us to put a renewed emphasis on personal church attendance and fellowship and spiritual growth.
I call the people of God “Back to Church” in the month of March. We have been in the pandemic doldrums for two years now. Families have suffered. Communities have suffered. Students have suffered. Churches have suffered.
And church and Sunday School attendance has suffered. The disruption in church attendance patterns nationwide is astounding. The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing policy responses resulted in significant and rapid changes in church attendance patterns.
Among churches surveyed by the National COVID-19 Church Attendance Project (NCCAP), in-person attendance has suffered dramatically. At the peak of COVID in January of 2021, in-person attendance had fallen by 60 percent compared to January of the preceding year. This means that for every 10 people attending in-person the prior year, only four were attending in-person in January of 2021.
Many churches such as ours adapted to this by livestreaming our services. And FBC also has the advantage of being on Fox 16 on Sundays at 9 a. m. But I believe you will agree that virtual church is not the same.
There has never been a greater time in our nation and even in our own local community for strong churches with vibrant fellowships. When churches cease to be vibrant and well-attended, communities suffer. Crime and social unrest soar. Institutions such as government and education begin to fail. We are witnessing this in our own community.
It is time for the church, for OUR church, First Baptist Church, to rise up, shake off our lethargy, and get serious about the things of God again. I love the song, “Rise Up, O Church of God!” And we must…
We must set aside our fears… We must set aside our excuses… We must obey the Lord’s command to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together… We must re-engage with the Great Commission in sharing Jesus Christ with everyone that we know. We must renew our commitments to God.
I am calling the month of March “Back to Church” month. I am calling God’s people to a renewed commitment and back to Church.
- Our plans are to begin in-class Sunday School the first Sunday of March.
- I am beginning a series of messages on the miracles found in the Gospel of John this Sunday, February 27, entitled, “So That You May Believe.”
- We will begin showing “The Chosen” video series again Sunday evenings beginning March 13 at 5 p. m., with a church fellowship with finger foods and desserts. We will show the videos on selected Sunday nights through the month of May. Great opportunity to invite your friends and family.
- March 13, Daylight Savings Time begins. Move your clocks forward one hour.
- March 17, the church will provide a meal for the teachers and staff of Coleman Elementary school from Lybrands. Will need some help with this.
- Sunday, April 3, Chosen People Ministries will be with us at 5 p. m. to present “Christ in the Passover”.
- Palm Sunday is April 10.
- Good Friday Worship is April 15 at 6:00 pm.
- Easter is April 17.
- WorldChangers will be back with us June 20-25.
It is a great time to go back to church! God bless you and yours, and I look forward to seeing you back in church this Sunday!
Invite someone to come with you.
Pastor Ken