Sermon Series: The Gospel of Mark

Embark on a transformative journey through the Gospel of Mark. This series delves into the earliest account of Jesus’ life, teachings, and miracles, offering a unique perspective that is both raw and compelling. Each week, Pastor Dalton will explore the themes of discipleship, the nature of Christ, and the challenges of faith that Mark presents.
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5,000 Hungry Sheep

October 13, 2024

The Price of Bold Preaching

October 6, 2024

Hometown Zero

September 22, 2024

Even Sickness and Death Obey Him

September 15, 2024

Even the Demons Obey Him

September 8, 2024 (Sermon only)

Even the Wind and Sea Obey Him

September 1, 2024

A Pair of Kingdom Parables

August 25, 2024
When Jesus entered into human history, he ushered in the Kingdom of God. In the text for this sermon, he teaches two parables that reveal the nature of this Kingdom. These parables, both of which utilize the imagery of seeds being sown, show us the Mystery of the Kingdom and the Magnitude of the Kingdom.

The Surprising Purpose of Parables

August 18, 2024
Why did Jesus receive so many different responses during his earthly ministry? And why do people respond differently to the gospel now? Some outright reject it, some superficially receive it but eventually fall away, and some truly believe it for life. But why? Jesus answers these questions with the parable of the soils, and he provides insight into the purpose of his parabolic teaching. That purpose might surprise you…

Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?

August 11, 2024
During the earthly ministry of Jesus, not everyone recognized and submitted to his Lordship. His own family dismissed him as a liar. The religious leaders demonized him as a liar of the worst sort, in league with Satan himself. But his followers devoted themselves to him as Lord. Have you done the same?

The Gospel Continues in Galilee

August 4, 2024
As news of Jesus and his ministry spreads, people from far and wide travel to experience his miracles, forming a tremendous crowd. During this time, Jesus also appoints twelve of his followers to be apostles. Professing Christians today must examine their lives to see if they superficially follow Jesus along with the crowds or if they have truly been called as a disciple.

The Lord of the Sabbath, Part 2

July 28, 2024
Jesus has declared to the Pharisees that he is the Lord of the Sabbath. The following Sabbath Day, he demonstrates this fact by healing a man’s withered hand. This reveals his compassion and authority, while the response of the Pharisees reveals their hardness of heart.

The Lord of the Sabbath

July 21, 2024
“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So, the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” When the Pharisees confront Jesus over his disciples’ Sabbath activities, he reminds them that needs take precedence over ceremony, that the Sabbath is meant to be a blessing, and most of all, that he is Lord.

He Came to Call Sinners

July 14, 2024
As Jesus continued to minister in Galilee and gain a following, he began to face opposition from some of the religious leaders. In this sermon’s text, they begin to question Jesus based on the company he keeps. We learn from his response that he came to call sinners, and those who follow him experience the joy of his presence.

The Greater Miracle

July 7, 2024
The greatest miracle any of us could experience is the forgiveness of our sins. In this sermon, we examine a passage of Scripture where Jesus demonstrates his authority to forgive sins, a miracle that cannot be seen, by performing a miracle that could be- the healing of a paralytic man.

The Compassion of Christ

June 23, 2024
As Jesus continued to travel throughout Galilee, his teaching ministry was his main priority. However, this sermon explores his healing ministry, which validated the message he proclaimed while also demonstrating his compassion, both on the multitudes and on individuals, including a desperate man with leprosy.

The Gospel Comes to Galilee

June 16, 2024
This sermon highlights the earliest days of Jesus’s ministry. As he begins his ministry in the region of Galilee, we see his authority on display as he teaches and preaches the gospel, as he chooses and calls disciples, and as he casts an unclean spirit out of a demon-possessed man.
(Sermon Only)

The Beginning of the Gospel, Part 2

June 9, 2024
This sermon examines the second and third events that began the ministry of Jesus – his baptism and his temptation in the wilderness. These give us a clear picture of Jesus as the sinless Son of God, anointed by the Holy Spirit and approved by the Father. This is who we should believe in and worship.

The Beginning of the Gospel

May 19, 2024
As we begin a series of sermons through the Gospel of Mark, we see that there were three major events that initiated the ministry of Jesus – John the Baptist’s ministry, Jesus’s baptism, and Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness. This sermon focuses on the first of these three events, as we see how John the Baptist’s method and message prepared the people for the coming of the One worthier than John- Jesus Christ, the Son of God.